Our employees

Ole Dalvang
Partner – CEO – Strategic advisor
MBA, Aarhus BSS
- Over 20 years of experience with management and organizational development in the private and public sector in Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Germany.
- Works with collaboration, management and development around complex welfare challenges in Norwegian and Danish organisations.
- Several years of experience as a manager and director - among other things from Rambøll Management.

Carsten Hornstrup
Partner – Director – Strategic advisor
Carsten Hornstrup
Partner – Director – Strategic advisor
PhD, Cand.scient.pol and electrician
- More than 30 years of experience with management and organizational development in public organizations.
- Responsible for research and development of Relational Capacity.
- Is one of the leading practitioners and researchers worldwide when it comes to developing public organizations that can handle the most complex welfare challenges.
- Working as a strategic advisor for management groups in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish organisations.

Rasmus Østergaard Thorsen
Software Developer
Master of Science - MS, Computer Engineering - Aarhus University
- Rasmus has a degree in computer technology from Aarhus University.
- Has been associated as responsible developer of our software solutions since 2019.
- Responsible for development and testing of IT projects, as well as front-end and back-end development of Joint Action Analytics and Joint Action Learning.

Tuva Veronika Lund
- Student in Political Science - with specialization in economics and international relations at Oslo Nye Høyskole.
- Tuva contributes to our Norwegian research processes and helps carry out development processes and deliveries for Norwegian municipalities.

Tobias Gloppholm Eldevik
- Master student in economics and administration at Oslomet Business School.
- Tobias contributes to our Norwegian research processes and helps carry out development processes and deliveries for Norwegian municipalities.